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This document was initially prepared by the Office of the Provost at the request of the Senate to catalog resolutions of the past few years and the resulting actions. The document as posted below was edited by the Senate Executive Committee during summer 2020.

Senate Resolutions & Disposition
Prepared by Office of the Provost

Resolutions: 2019-20


  • Motion that the University develop an Ombuds Program that includes at least two positions, one person internal to the institution and one external to it, to be selected by a broad group of stakeholders. Passed 21-1. (3/25/20)
    • Outcome: Senate Executive Committee and Provost continuing discussion; draft overview of possible Ombudsperson Program conveyed to ExComm 4/2020; ExComm responded with charter for Ombudsperson on 5-6-20; charter approved June 2020
    • Further Action Needed:
      • Covid-19 has delayed implementation due to lack of funds


  • Senate resolution passed unanimously (voice vote), in conjunction with ad hoc Committee on Shared Governance, to explore creation of a University Priorities Committee. (9/12/2019)
    • Outcome: University Priorities Committee created after discussion between Senate Executive Committee, Provost and Executive Vice President Milam. Senate ExComm recommended slate of Chair and faculty membership; all accepted. Meetings held regularly during latter months of 2019-20 academic year.


  • Motion that the Senate approve Compensation Committee’s proposed method of identifying peer schools; motion approved (4/24/19)
    • Outcome: Peer schools identified by Senate policy included in various lists of peer institutions (cost of attendance/BOT, undergraduate retention rates, faculty salary comparisons, sponsored-research productivity, etc.).
    • Further Action Needed:
      • Need to guarantee that Compensation Committee meets each year and presents faculty salary comparisons to full Senate
    • In response to Senate resolution of April 2018, ad hoc committee created to investigate and recommend best practices regarding faculty evaluation of administrators. (4/24/19)
      • Outcome: Committee on Compensation Chair reported that, after extensive discussions and reviews of materials by Committee members with Provost and Associate Provost for Research, “Wake Forest University currently conducts administrator evaluations at or exceeding levels of best practices…No further Senate action is recommended.” 



  • Motion to approve the revised Gift Acceptance Policy passed (3/27/19)
    • Outcome: Faculty Senate President included on Gift Acceptance Committee (approved by GAC 7-29-20) and University Priorities Committee Chair included on GAC (approved by GAC 2/2020).


  • Motion from Benefits Committee regarding benefits for spouses of retired faculty; motion unanimously carried. Recommendation that the University extend the following privileges to the partners of deceased faculty:
    • Full library borrowing privileges, tickets to Secrest events, and admission to the Reynolda House Museum of American Art (1/23/19)
      • Outcome:


Resolutions: 2017-18

  • Motion directing Senate President to work with Provost to explore ad hoc Committee on Shared Governance (10/17/18)
    • Outcome: Ad hoc Committee created, comprising four Senate presidents (current and three past); former Board of Trustees Chair Donna Boswell; Provost Kersh. Meetings held by Senate officers with Board Secretary Morgan, Executive VP Milam, other senior university staff. Eventual recommendation: University Priorities Committee (see resolutions for 2019-20).


  • Motion (carried by 20 to 3): that the Faculty Senate should review the existing COIC (Conflict of Interest and Commitment) policy for the Reynolda campus, including the constitution and responsibilities of a COIC committee, make any necessary changes, and approve the policy by May 2019. Any future changes should be approved by the Faculty Senate (4/18/18)
    • Outcome: Proposed Conflict of Interest changes accepted; Provost instituted changes Jan. 2018, after fall-term discussions with ad hoc committee noted earlier.


  • Motion (carried by 20 to 3): that the Faculty Senate call upon the administration to fully implement the COIC policy and take appropriate action when conflicts of interest or commitment do occur (4/18/18)
    • Outcome: COIC recommendations instituted by Provost/University Conflict of Interest Office (in advance of Senate vote, in 1/2018, given deadlines for COI filing).


  • Motion (vote of 14 to 9: motion failed to reach 2/3s threshold for Bylaws modification): that there be created a new standing faculty Senate committee known as the Centers and Institutes Committee (CIC) (4/18/18)
    • Outcome: At Senate request, Provost’s office provided CIC with oral description/written materials for reviews of Institute/Center Directors as well as deans/other senior academic administrators. Senate discussed in March 2020; agreed that Center/Institute director reviews be treated as “resolved.”
  • Resolution on Evaluation of Academic Administrators: Create Senate ad hoc committee to discuss faculty evaluations of WFU President and senior university academic administrators (Provost and Deans of the College, professional schools, and library) during their second year in office and annually thereafter. These evaluations will be managed by the Executive committee of the Faculty Senate. Results of evaluations of the president will be reported to the Board of Trustees and to the President. Results of the evaluations of the Provost will be reported to the President, the Board of Trustees, and the Provost. Results of the evaluations of Deans will be reported to the President, Provost, the Board of Trustees, and the individual Deans. (Resolution passed on a voice vote). (4/18/18)
    • Outcome: An ad-hoc Administrator Evaluation Committee met during the 2018-2019 academic year, reviewing the current administrator evaluation procedures and surveying best practices. The Committee concluded that Wake Forest’s procedures met or exceeded best practice standards and recommended no further action.
  • The Senate approved the following part of a resolution on the Gift Acceptance Policy:
  1. The President of the Senate will be a permanent member of the Gift Acceptance Committee (4/18/18)
  • Motion (passed): in response to the recent announcement that the Charles G. Koch Foundation (CGKF) has made public recent contracts with Duke University and Chapman University and had pledged to make all future contracts with universities public, the Senate requests that the current contract between the CGKF and WFU be made public by the date of the OCT meeting of the Faculty Senate Executive committee or be terminated. If terminated, and continuing relationship between WFU and CGKF is desired, said relationship should be governed pursuant to a new public contract, consistent with the Koch Foundation’s newly announced policy.
    • Outcome:
      • Various ad hoc committee’s recommendations discussed extensively by Senate leadership with Provost & Associate Provost for Research.
      • Review process for Institute/Center Directors formalized in line with these recommendations (details above)
      • Institute donations listed on website
      • All Institute spending and grants activity reviewed personally by provost and/or associate provost for research
      • Per separate Senate discussion, all Institute grants to WFU faculty require formal University Conflict of Interest review. Provost ensured that Eudaimonia Institute gift contract with Koch Foundation made available first to Senate leadership/ad hoc committee, then publicly posted.


  • Motion: strike the word “indecent” from Section 12 of the Student Code of conduct (passed) (11/15/17)
  • Motion: Section 13 – accept the recommendations as they stand (passed)
    • Outcome: Instituted.


  • Proposed changes to Senate bylaws: motion to accept the current wording was made, seconded and approved (11/15/17)
    • Outcome: No administrative follow-up required.


  • Motion: stronger faculty oversight of gift acceptance policies – motion passed 19-4 (4/19/17)
  • Motion: creation of a joint committee to create stronger faculty oversight regarding COI, disclosure, and faculty governance as it relates to university institutes – motion passed 19-4 (4/19/17)
    • Outcome: Committees on COI and gift acceptance created; details discussed above.


  • Report from the Senate Subcommittee on a Poverty-Free Campus – report came as a seconded motion from the committee. Motion passed 22-1. (4/19/17)
  • (1) The University prepare and publicize a “social audit” (not just a financial audit)
    • Further Action: This has not been undertaken by the University
  • (2) That we expand from two employee groups to three categories: faculty, directly-employed staff, and employees of sub-contracted firms
  • (3) That the University grandfather existing staff at their established level of remuneration and benefits to any new subcontracted appointments. Additionally, the University should guarantee their current pay when transitioning to the subcontractor
  • (4) That the University ensure that all people (direct staff and contract workers) working at WFU earn a living wage of no less than $11.00 per hour. AAUP calls for the implementation of policies equally across all units of a university; the living wage must be equal on both the Hawthorne and Reynolda campuses.
  • (5) That the University make clear that all the people (direct staff and contract workers) who work at WFU have the right to draw on the Chaplain’s Emergency Fund and the resources available at Campus Kitchen. Additionally, this fund should become a regular line-item in the University budget
    • Further Action: This has not been done
  • (6) That the University offer financial management workshops as well as skill development opportunities to all employees, direct staff & contract workers alike
    • Further Action: This has not been done
  • (7) That the University stop pressuring employees to contribute to the United Way and Arts Council campaign
  • (8) That the University acknowledge equally the death of all employees (direct staff and contract workers) on our campus
    • Outcome: Extensive discussions with Executive VP Milam and HR senior staff. Several proposals adopted or affirmed (living wage was already University practice, e.g.; Chaplain’s Emergency Fund better publicized to all employees).


  • Motion: To accept the committee’s recommendation that: due to the Charles Koch Foundation’s unprecedented effort and documented strategy to co-opt higher education for its ideological, political, and financial ends, Wake Forest University prohibit all Koch network funding for any of its centers or institutes. Passed 17-9 (3/15/17)
    • Outcome: See details listed above.
  • Resolution on health benefits contains the following elements: a strong recommendation that the administration seeks cuts elsewhere. Should such cuts not be available, then their preferred change would be to option 3, given the costs and benefits of each plan. The third component of the motion includes the rationale to include ABA therapy for children with autism in the plan with a coverage cap of $40,000. This would bring Wake Forest in line with the norm of North Carolina state institutions. There have been increased costs in the medical plans and there are concerns over retention and morale. The administration is urged to move to a plan where premium coverage is tied to income, given the disproportionate impact on lower income staff. Motion to support the committee’s recommendation of Option 3 carries, 18-6. (3/15/17)
    • Outcome: Discussions between Fringe Benefits committee and Executive VP Milam (& HR senior staff, as necessary) led to Option 3 (value-choice benefits program) instituted in Spring 2017.


  • Motion to ratify ad hoc committee to review the Eudaimonia Institute and report recommendations for future directions to the Faculty Senate in the March (2017) meeting – motion passed unanimously by voice vote. (1/18/17)
    • Outcome: Ad hoc committee created (details of University actions listed above).



Resolutions: 2015-16

  • Motion: Senate encourage all units of the University to consider passing a resolution condemning HB2. Passed unanimously by a show of hands: 25 in favor (2/27/16)
    • Outcome: University condemnation (via presidential statement) issued 3/2016. Other University actions in opposition reported by provost to Senate Executive Committee.


  • Unanimous approval of the motion: Interim Collegiate Senate Report to the University Senate Regarding the Teaching Professional Position (10/21/15)
    • Outcome: No administrative action/follow-up required.


  • By-law revision passed 20 votes in favor and 1 against (refer to appendix for complete copy of amended by-laws) (4/29/15)
    • Outcome: No administrative action/follow-up required.


  • A motion was made that the University Senate endorse the recommendations of the Ad hoc Best Practices Committee and directs the recommendations of this report be conveyed to the administration. Motion was seconded and passed. (4/29/15)
    • Outcome: Senate Executive Committee discussed in May and September 2015 with provost.


  • Motion (carried): endorsement of the report from the Committee on Academic Freedom and Responsibility (3/25/15)
    • Outcome: Discussion of report (on possible future directions for limited online course offerings at WFU) carried out with Senate leadership by provost and associate provost for academic affairs (Dr. Sutton, co-author of report).


  • Motion (carried) & Senate President Sigal stated that the Executive Committee would set up a meeting with the Medical School Administrators on resolutions regarding the WFU School of Medicine. The WFU Faculty Senate condemns the continuing proliferation and implementation of policies and practices regarding tenure, terms of employment and tenured faculty compensation adopted by the Wake Forest School of Medicine since March 2007 (3/25/15)
    • Outcome: Then-medical school dean Edward Abraham, variously along with med-school associate deans and the provost, met repeatedly with Senate leadership to discuss.


  • Motion (carried): resolution proposed by the Fringe Benefits Committee of the University Sente Resolved: in light of the reality that WFU faculty and staff have been subject to four consecutive years of benefit cuts and/or price increases in their benefits packages, and that additional increases are slated for FY 2016, the WFU Senate formally expresses its profound concerns regarding the impacts that these continuing cuts and increases will have on faculty and staff morale, employee health and wellness, the ability to recruit and retain high quality faculty and staff, and in the end, the potentially negative effect on the quality of the student experience can result from the deteriorating benefits package offered to faculty and staff. (3/25/15)
    • Outcome: Executive VP Milam and/or HR Director Canales, working with Fringe Benefits Committee, discussed extensively; subsequent benefits changes discussed in advance with Committee.


  • Faculty Senate resolves that the Faculty Athletic Representative (FAR) to the NCAA should be appointed by the University President based on recommendation by the campus faculty governance body. The FAR appointment should be made for a term of four years and a review of the performance of the FAR should take place prior to reappointment. Such a review should include meaningful participation by the Faculty Senate. Approved by voice vote. (3/25/15)
    • Outcome: Longstanding FAR stepped down thereafter; new FAR chosen in consultation with Senate Executive Committee. FAR agreed to meet periodically with full Senate to discuss role/answer questions; most recent such meeting November 2019.


Categories: Reports and Proposals
