Welcome to the Faculty Senate: the faculty body responsible for shared governance across Wake Forest’s academic operations. The senate is a distinctive body: it crosses all disciplinary borders and comprises members from each constituent school of the university on the Reynolda, Downtown, and Bowman Gray campuses as well as the deans, the provost, the chief financial officer, and the president, who serve as ex officio members.
The senate seeks to reflect the strong Wake Forest traditions of community, integrity, and inclusion. You are always welcome to join in this work: senate meetings are open to the university’s faculty and minutes and other records are posted on this site.
Please do not hesitate to contact senate officers or other members if there is any way we can be helpful to you.

The mace, which is carried by the president of the faculty senate in academic processions, symbolizes the degree-granting authority of the university and the faculty’s stewardship of the university’s academic mission.