Committee reports to the Senate.
Elections: President, Vice President, Secretary, Member-At-Large 

Faculty Senate Meeting

Note: To facilitate open discussion, the identity of most Senators making comments or questions is not recorded. Such comments as recorded here are generally not verbatim. The identity of comments from Senate Officers and Senate Ad Hoc and Standing Committee Chairs are given, as is the identity of persons commenting in their official administrative capacity (e.g. EVP, Provost, or College Dean.) 

Call to Order

President Tracey Banks called the Senate to order on Zoom.

Approval of Feb 13, 2023 Meeting Minutes (unanimous approval by affirmation)

Announcements and Updates

  • Provost’s Address to the University on Thursday March 23 at 4p in Annenburg Forum, Carswell Hall, Reynolda Campus. Reception to follow.
  • Questions to Provost were solicited, anonymously, from all faculty and staff, then summarized and organized into three categories: Salary/inflation, morale/community, and operations.
  • Next month’s meeting on April 19 will be in-person and feature an Address from the President.

Committee Reports

  • Athletics Committee – John Sumanth: see document in appendix
  • Fringe Benefits Committee – Melissa Jenkins: see document in appendix
  • Compensation Committee – Ryan Shirey: The committee plans to draw on data sets through AAUP and IPEDS to frame inquiries and research about equity within and across schools. The committee is asking all Senators, especially outside the College, to contribute queries and concerns about compensation.
  • Ad Hoc Committee on the Faculty Handbook – Brian Young: that the committee submitted the final Phase I proposal to the Provost’s office on 2/2/2023.  The proposal was consistent with prior Faculty Senate updates with the exception that specifics of the formatting of the changes were left intentionally vague.  The committee will work with the Provost’s office before the release of the next several changes to ensure that the spirit of the proposal has been implemented.  The Provost has accepted the proposal and it is considered to be in effect immediately.
  • Committee of Collegiate Senators – Olga Pierrakos: see document in appendix.
  • Ad Hoc Committee on the Faculty Handbook – Brian Young: Immediate next steps are to assess and clarify the nature of the documetn sas infromational or contractual, work to edit for clarity and anachornisms and identify inconsistencies, and document the process by which changes will be made. This committee’s membership will be changing as three of its four members are unable to serve next year.
  • Nominations Committee – Simone Caron: Elections held during the meeting using anonymous polling through Zoom. Results as follows with those elected taking their positions on April 1:
    • President: Arjun “Raja” Chatterjee, School of Medicine
    • Vice President: Saylor Breckenridge, College
    • Secretary: Olga Pierrakos, College
    • Member-At-Large: Lauren Reid, School of Business

New Business

  • The Senate Executive Committee has discussed the creation of a permanent Senate Committee about the Faculty Handbook. We are soliciting information about its potential scale and scope relative to related topics in addition to the Faculty Handbook.



Categories: Minutes
