Committee reports to the Senate. 
Guest presentations: none

Faculty Senate Meeting

Note: To facilitate open discussion, the identity of most Senators making comments or questions is not recorded. Such comments as recorded here are generally not verbatim. The identity of comments from Senate Officers and Senate Ad Hoc and Standing Committee Chairs are given, as is the identity of persons commenting in their official administrative capacity (e.g. EVP, Provost, or College Dean.) 

Call to Order

President Tracey Banks called the Senate to order on Zoom.

Approval of September 21, 2022 Meeting Minutes (unanimous approval by affirmation)

Announcements and Updates

  • Welcome to Cherie Fu from the Staff Advisory Committee
  • The University Faculty Senate has created an Ad Hoc committee to evaluate the Faculty Handbook: Brian Young (chair), Tracey Banks, Melissa Jenkins, and Saylor Breckenridge. The initial plan is for a two-phased effort: first is addressing notice, timing and transparency of changes; second is to examine the substance of the handbook and to make changes and clarifications. The process will include synergy between faculty from across the University, the Provost’s Office, Dean’s Offices, Human Resources, the Legal Office, and other units of university operation.  This may move to become a standing committee.
  • President Wente will host a University Faculty Senate reception at her home on Nov 3, 4:30p-6:00p.

Committee Reports

  • Committee of Collegiate Senators – Olga Pierrakos: see document in appendix.
  • Compensation Committee – Katy Harriger: Committee members met with Hof Milan and Michele Gillespie to discuss living wage issues for contract workers and were heartened by their support for the issue. The nextmeeting is coming in Nov to discuss this again, including HR, to continue the discussion and address University/College staff as well as contract workers. – Discussion: Enhance plans to aid in seeking unemployment, if desired, during summer season.
  • Fringe Benefits – Melissa Jenkins: There has been continued linkage between the Faculty Senate, the Staff Advisory Council and AAUP. Most concerns have been about continuing with specific providers. Faculty can contact to ask whether providers are in network. Human resources can be be contacted about issues at 336 758 3552. There are additional links for the FAQ here:
  • Resources Committee – Simone Caron: Development of child care services are ongoing. There has been a request fro proposals from potential providers, site visits and assessment of locations are continuing. Once approved, there will be a decision to renovate or build a childcare center. These feel like the most positive developments since 1991. – Discussion: A private LLC with a name including the words “Wake Forest” sold $43M in property, but this was not a Wake Forest University activity. 

  • Athletic Committee – Julie Wayne: Ongoing discussion about the need for both a college and Senate Athletics Committee. New Assistant Director, Arin Dunn, is focusing on whole-student training: career, character, civic engagement. Only 10% of students are involved in Name-Image-Likeness advising towards entrepreneurial engagement. Academic integrity and diversity, equity, and inclusion are key topics of discussion. Athletic majors trend towards communications, economics, business and enterprise management, finance, and health and exercise sciences. 

New Business

  • Dean search in College is underway. Executive Vice President search underway. Law and Divinity Dean searches are being planned.



Categories: Minutes
