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Senate officers for the 2021–2022 year were elected. Compensation Committee and Athletics Committee reported to the Senate.

Faculty Senate Meeting and Officer Elections

Note: To facilitate open discussion, the identity of most Senators making comments or questions is not recorded. Such comments as recorded here are generally not verbatim. The identity of comments from Senate Officers and Senate Ad Hoc and Standing Committee Chairs are given, as is the identity of persons commenting in their official administrative capacity (e.g. EVP, Provost, or College Dean.) 

Call to Order

President Simone Caron called the Senate to order on a Zoom conference.

Approval of February Meeting Minutes (unanimous)

Announcements and Updates

  • The Senate and Faculty Advisory Committee are sponsoring a faculty forum to be held on April 1. The Provost’s Office will distribute meeting link information.

Officer Elections

Each candidate introduced themselves prior to the vote. Pat Lord, chair of the nominations committee, distributed a secure Google Form to allow voting members of the senate to case their ballots.

Election Results


Gregory Parks

Matthew Phillips (elected)

Vice President

Tracey Banks (elected)

Steve Kelley


Saylor Breckenridge (elected)

Ellen Kirkman

At-Large Member of the Executive Committee

Arjun Chatterjee (elected)

Lisa Dragoni

Committee Reports

  • Compensation Committee (Katy Harriger). The compensation committee has worked with the Office of Institutional Research to generate our customary annual report. Numbers are somewhat different this year, as explained in her appendix, because AAUP asked institutions to begin reporting teaching-stream and practice-stream faculty with tenure-track faculty of like rank, rather than lumping all non-tenured faculty into the “Other/Lecturer” category. This will cause a change in our year-to-year numbers and in our comparison numbers because other institutions have been slow to make this change.
  • Athletics Committee (Wayne Silver). The committee worked with Wake Forest Athletics to try to understand the structure and staffing of Athletics at Wake Forest. As part of that work, the committee shares an organizational chart provided by Athletics showing all employees in the enterprise. That organizational chart is an appendix below.

Discussion of Senate Officer Roles

The Senate discussed the desirability of returning to a presumptive “president elect” so that the president would have a year of preparation before service. Senators were broadly supportive of the idea of consistency and continuity, but also raised concerns about situations in which the president-elect might decide not to serve further, etc.

VP Phillips asked the Senate to consider whether we might add a Communications Officer to the executive committee in order to manage the website and future communication efforts (to include social media). Senators were broadly supportive.

Both concepts will be taken up by the new officers and leadership of the Senate.



Categories: Minutes
